Giving our Best

God uses and multiplies what we give Him in much bigger ways than we could ever dream of.

The ride home from school was unlike usual. I was tired, ill, hungry, and not in a good mood. There are only a few days left of the school year, and I need to study for exams. In order to receive some peace, I put my sunglasses and tennis shoes on and started walking. I’m sure you’re also a little worn out from your busy schedule!

In Luke 9, we are challenged to view problems through God’s power rather than viewing them through human perspectives. I pray the following truths I share with you will encourage you, motivate you, challenge you, and help you finish the year strong. 

  1. We, as God’s children, have the Power living within us that heals the sick, raises the dead to life, and drives out demons. Our Father has already overcome the whole world! 
  1. Before Jesus fed over 5,000 people, He knew what His Father was capable of doing. When Jesus solved problems through His Father’s power, people were amazed and needs were more than met. 
  1. Jesus always does more than what’s expected. He took a meal that would normally feed one person and used it to feed over 5,000 people! Jesus could have sent the men and their families away hungry to find food for themselves, but He wanted to personally meet their needs.
  1. We may not think we have much to offer, but God can use and multiply our offerings in bigger ways than we could imagine. Have you ever thought about the little boy who gave Jesus the fish and loaves of bread? That little boy could have been selfish, but he wasn’t. The boy invested what he had into what he could not see because he trusted in the One Whose power is unlimited. The story in Luke 9 shows that the boy had faith in what God could do.

What you have to offer is important to God and can change the lives of those around you! Never forget the importance of your life, gifts, talents, or time. God has bigger things in store for you than what you can even imagine. Hand him your best and trust Him with the rest. God is always for you and fighting for you! He loves you!

Let’s remember these truths as we finish out the year strong!

Here for you,


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